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Chumps, Lunkheads, Dingbats

Czaban on threes, Robot All-Star Baseball Team, Hacksteaks with Herzafter Sauce

Thank Goodness Geoff Ogilvy temporarily halted the canonization of St. Eldrick. If I have to endure one more sacchrinny-sweet article full of nothing more than rehashed hagiographic hero worship, I’m going to eat my boxers. Hagiographic – (adj.), defining a biography or description of the lives of the saints. Hagiographic (n.) – saintliness. Anyway...

Daly DQ also nixes Imada, O’Hern from Bay Hill, Wachovia Declines to Offer Daly Sponsor’s exemption

Now John Daly’s behavior isn’t hurting only John Daly.  Now any panderer and enabler who says “he’s only hurting himself” can eat crow. This time, John Daly’s reckless attitude towards his responsibilities as a professional golfer cost Ryuji Imada and Nick O’Hern a chance to compete at Bay Hill this week.  As CBSSports...

Golf News Bits: Atwal Cleared, Daly Under Scrutiny, Johnson’s Masters Menu

Let’s sop up the weekend’s golf news au jus, shall we? First, Steve Elling of CBSSports.com reports that Arjun Atwal’s on-again-off-again prosecution for speedracing is finally derailed.  Atwal will not be charged in connection with the death of another motorist with whom he was drag racing. Next, Elling calls out John Daly for boorish behavior in...

Tripp Isenhour may regret this Birdie…

Nationwide player Tripp Isenhour is charge with cruelty to animals after killing a protected species of hawk with a golf ball during filming of a video instruction segment. From the L.A. Times article: “According to court documents, Isenhour got upset when a red-shouldered hawk began making noise, forcing another take. He began hitting balls at the bird, then...

Videos of the WEAK! – NBA Vulgarity, Volleyball Tomfoolery

Three separate instances of NBA vulgarity have my Hogwarts in a knot today. First, Reggie Miller uses a crass profanity (the “T-word”) to describe an open three pointer. Thanks for proving that the Gentlemen’s Club atmosphere of the NBA is still its stock in trade. That comment had no business going out over the air. David Stern must be in spin...

Golf News: Sal Johnson, Len Shapiro on the Golfweek Mess

Two of the best in the business, Sal Johnson and Len Shapiro, breakdown the Golfweek mess.  Sal discusses Golf Channel broadcasts with Rich Lerner in the chair.  Len discusses why Golfweek should have known better than to pull the bush league publicity stunt they did and that they got what they deserved.  Here’s my favorite section, where he calls out the...

Congress to Cook Clemens’s Goose

Filing that lawsuit may be the worst decision of Roger Clemens’s life. It was bad enough he tried to bully and intimidate a government witness, (not to mention run him out of money in a massive lawsuit), but when he alleged governmental misconduct, that made both sides of the aisle stand up and take notice. Congress is now demanding not only the tapes of BOTH...

Clemens’s lawsuit will give him fig leaf to cover up before Congress

I’ll make this short and sweet. Clemens filed suit against MacNamee for defamation this morning. He has simultaneously created an out from the thorny problem of dealing with the Congressional grilling. “Sorry, sir..but I have a lawsuit going and that’s the proper time and proper manner.” We were having this discussion somewhere else, so...

Phil Mushnick Hammers MLB Players Union for Failing Clean Players, Clean Game

Genius. In the name of “protect the player, whatever the cost,” the MLB players’ union has completely failed the interests of all those who were not cheating. Here’s a link to Mushnick’s New York Post article. From the article: How is it possible no member of the MLBPA has stood up to ask why his union has always chosen to protect its...