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Steve Czaban must be hanging around Awful Announcing lately…

So Steve Czaban is starting to sound like the Awful Announcing guys.  Czabe lambasted ESPN football “analysts” – who have a worse record than even the NYC tabloids at predictions – for nonsensical purported “analysis.”

From the article:

In other words, it’s nothing like REAL sports debates you would have with buddies over a beer.

Call them McDebates about McOpinions on sports.

And some of them are simply laughable, they are so stupid.

For example: one day, Mark Schlereth tried to sell me crazy. Stinky said that… and I swear to God above I am NOT making this up, as Dave Barry would say…. “the Packers losing home field advantage to the Cowboys might actually be a GOOD thing.”

Uhhhh… .huuhhhh. Really.

There were some tangential arguments about how it will help the passing oriented Packers being out of the cold, and that – here’s the really stupid argument – Brett Favre REALLY WANTS TO GET THE MONKEY OFF HIS BACK about not winning in Texas Stadium.

So there it is sports fans. Crazy. On a plate. Enjoy.

How a fictional desire of Favre to get some imaginary statistical “monkey” off his back makes it more ADVANTAGEOUS for the entire Packer TEAM to play away from Lambeau Field in an NFC Championship game is not just a bridge too far. It’s a logical bridge to nowhere!

And yet there it was. Presented as “expert” opinion from a football expert.”

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