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Memo from the Sports Desk: Think Before You Facebook Something Stupid Vol. 2

MEMO FROM THE SPORTS DESK: Once again, life proves stranger than fiction, and people prove they still have not learned that not every thought is worthy of public expression. Ernesto the Prediction Iguana and I had this epic rant last time, and between many people responding that “thank God someone said something,” and getting four months of mind-numbing nonsense diluting the useful and informative updates of my friends, here’s Volume 2. Remember, these are real! So think before you Facebook something stupid!

“So and so…”

10. Likes potatoes! LOL!

9. Is cleaning up the bed because the dog wet it.

8. Would be Eternally Grateful for your help in Vampire Wars!

7. Likes pretty shoes.

6. Just became a fan of beer.

5. is Tweeting and Fbing at the same time!

4. Saw a cigarette butt in the urinal (Author’s note: I am not kidding.)

3. My name is wanderlust (hat tip to Gary van Sickle for sending me that one. Apparently he gets weird FB messages from people too)

2. Just took the quiz, “What musical note are you?”

and the worst thing I’ve seen posted on Facebook of all time…so and so…

1. had a great time Facebooking with everybody all day! Nite nite! See you tomorrow!

Some of you need to put down the facebook app, and slowly back away…

Rant over, as you were.

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