Here’s the breakdown for the Fall tour. I’ll be reporting live from three different areas of our great golf nation.
Part 1: Denver – Red Hawk Ridge, Pradera, Fossil Trace – The “Jim Engh” leg of the tour. Happily, he’s been building in a more expansive area of the country now, so people are getting to see his work. His design team will play a one day team challenge against my crew of golf scalliwags from Bowling For Soup and some of my architecture expert buddies. Smack talk from my side has been extensive. We’d do well in a shouting match against Maryland’s Potomac Cup team. Tony Korogolos told everybody on Hooked on Golf Blog we were gonna “clean their clocks” and I’ve been hectoring Jim himself about the looming “Golf Hammer of Justice.”
I can hear myself on the tenth tee now…”It was always my plan to trail at the turn…thus deepening Jim’s eventual humiliation…” Anyway, his hossenpfeffer, Tim Hartnett (excellent architect in training I may add!) tried to run some funky jazz past me about “you better bring sunblock 650 cause you’re gonna get LIT UP!” but that’s just Tim being a jive sucka.
Part 2: The “Sand Hills” leg – Ballyneal, Dismal River, Wild Horse and maybe Iron Horse.
Part 3: – The “Brickyard” Leg – Brickyard Crossing, The Trophy Club, The Fort
Tour starts Saturday.
In an unrelated matter, Ernesto the Prediction Iguana, who doubles as firm security around here was dead on when he called Tiger winning with -18…that was impressive.
Now, some thank yous are in order:
1. BIG thank you to Sandy at The Rental Co., Car Agency in Forest Hills, NY (718.353.6848). Sandy is a HUGE golf fan and a long time reader who helped me out of a helluva scrape when Brian form B&B Auto Body in Bedford Hills, NY screwed up fixing my car and I was stranded with no way to get to Bayonne G.C. for media day. Sandy, you saved my bacon!
2. big ups to a new clothing design label I really dig here in NYC called Seize Sur Vingt (pronounced “SAY Ser-VANT,” it means 16 and 20). Alex and company are making a terrific new line of polo-style shirt under a new brand called “UBNY – United Boroughs of New York.” These shirts are Egyptian Cotton and were the talk of the Potomac Cup – especially the line I wear with the UBNY logo on the right breast and a different “freedom fighter brigade” on the left breast. The black shirt I wear commemorates Corsica’s independance form Spain. There’s one for the Faroe Islands, etc. These are a great line. You can see them at Tell ’em Jay from Cybergolf and Golf Observer sent you.
3. Finally, you must go to Nemacolin Woodlands resort and spend three or four tranquil days there. Go in and shake hands with Dennis Clarke, director of Golf when you’re there. Tell him I sent you. Now, on the way to and from NYC, its a long drive. Happily there is a great Jacuzzi Suite at the Best Western in Shippensburg, PA. Again, call General Manager Kenny Mehta and tell him Jay the golf writer said the Jacuzzi Suite was mac daddy and you’ll have a great over night place to chil and avoid that 6-1/2 hour drive all in one piece. The BW is right off 81 South and the phone is 717.532.5200.
Have a great golf trip!
You might want to bring Ernesto along with you for your security, we do have home field advantage.Besides we have the good looking woman on our team to take your attention away from golf.
[…] Now if we just get Doak to start wearing black shirts and black slacks! That’s your Christmas present this year, Tom – a black golf shirt. Maybe a Seize sur Vingt. Come on, black looks great with green. […]