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Off to the Writers Cup at Forsgate

I need the break. While I love the contract work in the entertainment industry, the litigation is for the birds…the buzzards, vultures and harpies to be exact.

“Now Jay,” Professor Steele once said is his deep, mellifluous voice, “Never forget. The reward for good work is more work.”

Thanks for that. If anyone else except Professor Steele said that, I’d have a snarky retort.

Thankfully, the Writers Cup is tomorrow. Forsgate CC, one of the greatest clubs in America, a Charles Banks masterpiece from 1930 plays host to this annual bloodletting of the NYC writers (a Brew Crew if ever I saw:)) at the hands of Philadelphia’s scribblers, (a bunch of Fighting Donkeys who’ve mule-kicked us back to to the Manhattan curbside with a resounding thud time and again).

Stephen Kay polished Forsgate to a high shine – he brought back a phenomenal Biarritz – and Chris Schiavonne has the place running the way a club should, with love and fun, and family atmosphere, everyone concerned for the club only, not themselves. Altruistic, that’s the true golf spirit.

I love this event, but NYC is 0-4, and even though the Philly News’ captain Mike Kern is a great writer and even better friend, the sight of him soaked champagne during a victory celebration is getting old. I’d rather get dragged over carpet tacks and dipped in rubbing alcohol than watch him hoist the trophy again.

So I wanna do something about it. Mikey, I challenge you mano-a-mano, match play on our handicaps. You and me, steel cage death match, pistols at dawn, Battle of the Hobbits! What say you?!

Anyway, I’ll take tomorrow off, thank the Good Lord, and actually play some golf. I hope to be soaked in victory champagne myself, for a change. It’d be nice. As for the rest of my team: Come on Hank Gola! Come on Cannizzaro, Willis, Neumann! All the rest of you! Let’s finally get that ringing in our ears silenced.

Perhaps we can all remember the immortal words of C. Montgomery Burns – famous for drafting an OF who had been dead for a 103 years – as a pep talk:

“All right, you ragtag bunch of misfits! You hate me, and I hate you even more. So I want you to remember some inspiring words that someone else might have told you over the course of your miserable worthless lives, and go out there and win!”


Hat tip: Jeff Neumann for the ride tomorrow. I got yer coffee, light cream, two sugars right here!