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Live Broadcast of Mike Nifong disciplinary hearing

Here is the link to the oral argument of Nifong’s Motion to dismiss, which from the language of one judge is clearly going to be dismissed.

“We will draw Mr. Nifong’s intent from all the circumstances.”

Tune in to Michelle Malkin and La Shawn Barber as well.

More ominous for Nifong – The Judge: “There is not alot of precedent out there, you take your precedent where you find it. This case will be precedent for alot of issues going forward.”

Maybe it’s just the lighting, but Nifong looks terrible. His face is careworn and his features are sagging deeply. He is deeply subdued, looking beaten and defeated…almost haunted.

Attorney Freidman (for the bar) is speaking now. “Mr. Nifong got non-testimonial order from the court before charges were filed….it was determined at that time…that none of the DNA of the lacrosse players was on the accuser. He had discussions with the lab. After Nifong got that information he sought and obtained indictment anyway.”

They mean business. Good. Never forget the words of Kevin Finnerrty, Colin’s dad: “We’ve never been through anything like this. This is our son’s life at stake.”

Here is the best piece I have seen today.  Its by Jemele Hill of ESPN.  She is an African-American woman who apologizes to the lacrosse players for rushing to judgment.  Here’s to you Jemele for having the grace, tact and courage to stand up for healing wounds between races.  Thanks for doing your part to set a good example in a world where “what do we want?  Justice when do we want it? now!” trumps fairness and healing racial strife.  Thank you for showing the media that many people – media and ordinary citizens alike – see Jesse Jackson as a race baiter and hypocritical opportunist.

Jemele, you should be the one rushing to the scene of racial tensions so someone fair-minded, reasonable and honest can help soothe racial tensions rather than the people who roil them to a vengeful frenzy.  Great article.

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