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Dan Jenkins vs. Arnold Schwartzenegger and Golf Tax Politicians

Just because rich people spend too much for golf, the politicians think they can paint every golfer as being as wealthy as a limousine liberal.  Dan Jenkins’s satire about how golf may be singled out do to its perceived opulence and decadence would be hysterical, but for it’s also true.  We are beset on many sides by knee-jerk haters who wouldn’t know a golf club from a garden hose and hypocritical politicians who scream that tournaments cost a lot to run, yet eat wagyu beef and drink champagne while we tighten our belts.

Enough!  says Jerry Tarde:

It’s time for golf to stop apologizing and start defending itself. First, a caveat: If private companies are going to take public funds, the money should come with review and scrutiny. Fair enough. But golf is the baby here, not the bath water.

Private enterprise has been involved in golf sponsorship and entertainment for 100 years, not because the boss plays but because it’s good for business. Bank of America officials told the Sports Business Journal that for every $1 spent on sponsorships, $10 in revenue and $3 in earnings is brought in….The best stimulus package is a robust golf economy, because nobody out-travels, outspends or out-contributes a golfer.”

Golfers should not take this threat sitting down.  The next time some knight-errant do-gooder tries to call YOU out for being an elitist snob, send them to Jerry or Dan.  Nothing like a few facts to quiet down the misinformed, misguided and hypocritical…and Barney Frank and his pals think they can fix the economy. They backed away from that position faster than Vlade Divac trying to draw a charge.  Did you vote for this kind of “change,” because I sure didn’t. Way to go, government.


Hat tip:  Instapundit.  MM.

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