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Stephen Ames Avenges 9-8 drubbing to Tiger with his Mouth

Move over, Jesper Parnavik.  Someone else wants a piece of Tiger Woods.  Proving that if you’re going to kill the sacred cow, you might as well get a burger or two out of the deal, Stephen Ames fires this full broadside at him, most likely in response to that epic 9 & 8 beatdown from the Match Play

Who really cares if he comes back and kicks our asses or not? I’m still going home to my wife and kids at night, and he’s got to worry about that. That’s tough, but that’s the way it is.”

Ames, just made the same mistake over again:  he’s talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk when it comes to Tiger Woods. But the greater point is that Tiger’s peers are not afraid of him any more, won’t cover for him any more, and aren’t happy to all be under his microscope. It’s a different world, Tiger. And you don’t run it with an iron fist any more.

We’ll have more from Cameron Morfit’s terrific article later this weekend, including analysis of such nuggets involving “settling scores” with the media who aren’t parroting the party line that 20 hookers could happen to anybody. As Cameron writes in his piece, the defense of how much money Woods brings in is not justification.