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Royal Society to Steve Williams: Thanks for your interest, but no

Proving that he can’t pass the screen test, Steve Williams put an end to any broadcasting career with a brutish, unprovoked, and sophomoric tirade that defied common decency and spat in the face of golf’s altruistic ethos.  Repeatedly attacking Phil Mickelson, making direct references to man-breasts, and calling him slurs for the male anatomy, and basically taking civility and punting it in the name of edgy behavior.

There’s two versions of the story, Lawrence Donegan’s here, and Murray Hills, writing for a New Zealand company that buried the lede, (read:  glossed right over it because they are homers).  A follow up – too late – was here.

Great.  Soap opera drama enters the golf world.  Just what we needed.

Inexplicably, Wiliams tried to slough it off by saying he was “trying to have a little fun at a charity event.”  Great, so in the name of charity wee engage in childish put-downs.  Old Tom Morris would really be proud at what we’ve done to the Grand Old Game.  You know society is in toruble when we afford celebrity to Steve Williams.  I guess all that pandering and enabling is giving us back a proper return on our investment.  The wheel turns, but sometimes we go backwards.