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Guest Articles: Stephanie Wei hits the FHP hard on Tiger Woods accident

New Details Disclosed by the Florida Highway Patrol Make the Tiger Scandal More Baffling

by Stephanie Wei, New York City

Apparently the whole Tiger Woods accident story hoax, which the 92-year-old retired columnist Furman Bisher (or Busher according to the WESH) innocently posted, has triggered the unearthing of new information from the Florida Highway Patrol. WESH Orlando reports:

The Florida Highway Patrol met with Tiger Woods in Orlando three days after his crash in Isleworth and said he only had “a fat lip,”
FHP told WESH 2 exclusively on Wednesday. FHP spokeswoman Kim Montes said Woods met with troopers at an undisclosed
location on Dec. 1 to deliver his ticket and see if Woods had any injuries that might not be consistent with his traffic accident.

Montes said troopers only noted “a fat lip” and no other facial injuries — and no reason to believe he was the victim of domestic
violence.This would appear to refute a report first published by an Atlanta sportswriter indicating Woods had been struck
with a golf club by his wife, Elin, and had a gash in his face that required him flying to Phoenix for plastic surgery.
Woods agent has denied that account.

….Now why are we only learning about this now? The WESH claimed it’s because the FHP is frustrated about the false reports regarding Tiger’s alleged injuries. Clearly!

Remember the press conference the FHP held? The one where a spokesperson gallantly proclaimed that Tiger didn’t receive special treatment because of his celebrity status. She also said the FHP would not make any further statement to the matter.

With the timing of this previously concealed information, it appears as if the FHP is complicit in the poorly orchestrated cover-up led by Tiger’s handlers. Perhaps a deal was struck to keep it quiet, but after The Bish published the “inside scoop” on his blog, it led to a firestorm of new rumors after mainstream sites picked it up, which the FHP is attempting to dispel. Too bad it only raises more questions than answers and reignites suspicions as to what else they might be hiding. Another botched PR move by all parties — allegedly, of course.”

Read the entire article here.