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Golf Observer – Is Tom Doak Twain’s Connecticut Yankee?

Thanks to Sal Johnson for running this piece that compares golf architect Tom Doak to Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court.  From the piece:
Even his gibberish enraptures those hanging on every word. Morgan achieved “miracles” while uttering ridiculous “magic words” like “Constantinopolitanischerdudelsackspfeifenmachersgesellschafft!” (that’s “THE BAGPIPE MANUFACTURERS COMPANY OF CONSTANTINOPLE!” spoken in German). Similarly, Doak makes us scratch our heads working out mutterings like “Solving the paradox of proportionality lies at the core of golf course architecture.” That one set off every dork alarm in Michigan. When I understand that one fully, I’ll break it down for you, but you see how the Cornell education comes out in strange intellectual bursts.