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Tag - Daniele Nardi

ExplorersWeb.com Interview with Alex Txikon Reveals Details on Deaths of Daniele Nardi and Tom Ballard

ExplorersWeb.com has a terrific two-part interview with Alex Txikon, the expert climber and expert rescuer who was sent to try to find Tom Ballard and Daniele Nardi after they went missing on Nanga Parbat two months ago. From the interview: “At first, I didn’t worry too much: I thought their lack of contact was some communication issue. Nardi had an old...

Winter of Our Discontent – K2 and Nanga Parbat 2018 Winter Climbs End in Failure, Tragedy

Winter has ended in the Karakoram Range of the Himalayas, and once again it will be a mournful spring. Drone footage confirmed that two silhouettes on Nanga Parbat’s slopes near Camp 3 are the bodies of climbers Tom Ballard and Daniele Nardi. The search and rescue has been called off, and earlier today memorials were scheduled in remembrance of Nardi. According...