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Sally Jenkins Wins Gold Medal for Body Slamming Corrupt Olympics Cesspool

We’ve said it from day one – golf didn’t need to be in Olympics. This was just a money grab for the networks, the IOC, and the PGA and European Tours.
We’ve steadily reported about the terrible format of the tournament, the devastating Zika virus, the filthy water conditions sickening athletes by the dozens, and the security risks.

Now Sally Jenkins confirms what we’ve known all along. The IOC is covering up the severity of the problem, at the expense of the fans coming to see the events and perhaps even the athletes too.
Form the article:

The Olympics will be lucky to escape a large-scale disaster in Rio de Janeiro, and if it happens, we all will wonder why we didn’t do more to stop IOC officials from dragging us all down into their suck.

Half a million people will descend on Rio for the Summer Games, with a security force of just 85,000 to keep them safe from terrorists and roving bandits. Many of them are resentful, underpaid law enforcement officers with out-of-gas cars and grounded helicopters in the midst of the country’s worst economy since the 1930s who were already trying to cope with one of the most seething, crime-ridden cities on earth.”

Jenkins goes on to deliver a scathing indictment of the greed, recklessness, thuggery, drug cheating, and criminality of the five-ring circus that leaves a swath of destruction wherever it goes, no matter how many Kumbayas it forces the world to sing to it. She concludes by saying, “150 scientists, doctors and researchers have called for the Games to be postponed or moved. The IOC has dismissed their concerns of a global epidemic, apparently because Rio’s views are divine. In their judgment, it’s worth injecting half a million foreign visitors and tourists into a viral urban petri dish.”

There you have it, word is out. Don’t go to Rio: it’s not safe and you may come back with a life-threatening illness, if you come back at all. Jekins even says it’s time for cities to say “No, thank you,” to the Olymoics as not worth the headaches and risks. Terrorism alone is a massive concern for any major city in this age, but Brazil is in a particularly bad place right now politically. It’s time to cut bait and screw the athletes dreams. They can wait one year while they move the games around the globe for a quadrennial.