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Golf Course Trades Runs my Arizona Golf Trip Article


As always, Golf Course Trades did a marvelous job with my Arizona golf story. We even got the cover of the print version, I’m told. (WOO HOO HOO!)

Arizona is indeed a golf reverie from which you don’t want to wake. Everyone needs to experience this unique golf ecosystem. I’m not usually one on natural setting, but there is power in the rocks and cacti of the Sonoran desert, and there’s wine-like aroma to the night time air, and when you stargaze, the lazy haze of the Milky Way reveals itself in the splendor of a billion multi-colored suns, many of which are long dead by the time our eyes see their light. Oh well, as Thomas Gray so eloquently wrote:

Full many a flower is born to blush unseen/and waste its sweetness on the desert air.”

Here is a link to the article. Enjoy.