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Bubba Watson Wins 76th Masters

Cybergolf will run my piece in the morning but here’s a snippet:

“Watson’s faith and grace stand in stark contrast to Tiger Woods, who threw clubs, swore, and snarled acidly all week as he sulked his way to a dismal 5-over finish. The comparison is one of sincere value versus insincere value – Woods’s media-constructed image as a crass corporate vulture preying on mass-consumer culture against the devout Christianity and simple humility of Watson, a gimcrack phony versus a wonderfully human role model, “take what you can but give thing back” selfishness as opposed to open-hearted charity. It used to be contrarian to hate Tiger Woods – now it’s contrarian to love him. He couldn’t fake his way into staying a hero forever, but he committed enough cardinal sins to see himself become the villain, and no amount of cartoons, Fruit Loops, or XXX films can fix the situation.

And so after a Mediterranean day – sparkling and warm, with cheerful puffy white clouds across an azure sky – the sun set on a young man who of course is no saint, but whose adamantine certainty of fighting for what is saintly was rewarded by God. Indeed, the God Squad guy put together a masterpiece the Devil himself could not find fault with.

Like the Room of Tears where a new Pope is installed, so too did a life changing transformation occur, for all of us to witness. The “The Other Lefty” no longer, the pain of Whistling Straits pain is washed away, and a lifelong dream was achieved.”

So congratulations, Bubba – and welcome to the Honor Roll.